«Il futuro è già qui, solo che non è equamente distribuito»

William Gibson

mercoledì 17 ottobre 2018

Microsoft + Made by Dyslexia: Helping dyslexic students thrive with technology

It is estimated that one in five students has dyslexia, yet there are likely far more who have not yet been diagnosed in today’s classrooms.
These students, who see the written word differently, are often mistakenly labeled as having a learning disability and, as such, make up approximately 70 to 85 percent of today’s special education classes. Their teachers and parents don’t often have the resources or training to help, however passionate they may be. Without the proper support in formative years, a struggling student’s confidence and love of learning can fade. History has shown these great young minds can bring tremendous gifts to the world – like the many great dyslexic innovators, artists and leaders before them – if they feel empowered and learn to see dyslexia differently.
Read more at https://educationblog.microsoft.com/2018/10/microsoft-made-by-dyslexia-help-dyslexic-students-thrive/#cG50YTpLhhgPpkOE.99

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