«Il futuro è già qui, solo che non è equamente distribuito»

William Gibson

venerdì 11 settembre 2009

Trieste. Master universitario di I livello "Assistive Technology - ausili per l'utenza ampliata"

University of Trieste organizes the first level Master in "Assistive Technology – Assistance for Wide Users" will be held in collaboration with the Link Campus University of Malta.
If you are interested to attend the Master in Assistive Technology for the a.y. 2009-2010, please fill the text below and send it urgently by e-mail to nicolich@units.it and to scotti@units.it:
"Dear professor Nicolich,
I am very interested to attend the Master course in Assistive Technology of the University of Trieste for the next a.y. 2009-2010.
I work in the sector of ……… and am graduated in …….
I know that attending the Master is useful in social work, staff management, technical consultancy, marketing etc. and I strongly need an education on the field such as it is offered by the Master course.
I hope that it will be activated for the next a.y.
(fonte: http://mat.dica.units.it/)

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